Thursday 9 October 2014


Taking care of your pet is more then just feeding him/her with the cheapest dog/cat food you can find...keep reading to find out how your pet can have a long

Make sure your furry "family member" has a food that suits their nutritional needs. Try to buy natural pet food for your family member; not only will she/he appreciate it,they will have a shiner coat, more energy, be happier etc. Feeding them table scraps - no matter how cute they are when they beg - is not a good idea since people food often has minerals and items in it that can be harmful to our feline and canine friends.
2. If you have a dog take them on walks. It will give you and her/him exercise. This also acts as bonding 

Give your "family member" a bath at least once every few weeks. If you have a cat go to your local vet and have them give them a bath (that way you don't end up with a million scratches on you). There are also special shampoos (even ones that don't use water) that you can use on your pet. All they require are a washcloth and a loving hand. Brushing your cat often feels like a they are getting a good scratch, so this can be a great way to follow up their bath time.

If you have a dog, make sure to cut his/her nails every two months or so. If you have an inside cat, and you don't want your house to look like a bear was in it, it might be a good idea to get her/him de-clawed. If you would like your cat to keep his/her claws, be sure to invest a few dollars in a good scratching post and take the time to teach them how to use it. This will save you and your pet SEVERAL headaches later on.

5.Just like you have to go to the doctor for regular check-ups to make sure you are healthy, be sure to bring your friend to the vet for a check-up as well. Since they can't talk, sometimes it takes an expert look to find out if they are well or not

6.Go to a dog park with your dog, play Frisbee or ball whatever gets them moving. If you have a cat, go to your local pet store and get him/her a cat toy. Don't be surprised though if your cat doesn't like the toy you've chosen n(they are known to be picky). Keep trying and know that sometimes, their favorite toy may be a spot of light or a ball of rolled up paper.

Most importantly, spend time with your pet. Let them know you love them, and they will be sure to love you back, plus give it a treat sometimes, they will love you if you do that.

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